Fire Academy

Fire Academy is odd, there's no denying it. Teams of four (family, friends, or complete strangers grouped together by the attendant) race to power a fire truck to a 'burning building', where they must extinguish the flames using the hydrants provided. Teams then race back, and the first to the starting line wins!
What is it?
- Mock fire engines powered by pumping
- Opened March 2005
- Four guests per engine, four engines per station, two stations
- Q-Bot reservations available
What does it do?
After being briefed by the attendant, guests board their fire engine and power their way to the 'burning building' by pumping a lever up and down. It's then up to the adults to pump the hydrants, whilst children aim them at the targets. At the sound of the siren, teams get back into their engines and race back to the starting line.
- Must be a minimum of 0.9m tall to ride
- Guests under 1.3m tall must be accompanied by an adult
- Must be no fewer than two and no more than four guests per vehicle
- Upper and lower body control is needed. Guests must be able to sit upright without assistance.
- Not recommended for guests with: back or neck complaints; heart conditions; high blood pressure; broken limbs; pregnant guests.
Odd? Definitely. Worth riding? Yes, if the queues aren't too long, or you've got Q-Bot. Family activities are always fun, and this is no exception.